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Hydraulic Excavator Component System

The control of the hydraulic pump is realized by adjusting its variable swing angle. According to the different control forms, it can be divided into three categories: power control system, flow control system and combined control system. The power control systems include constant power control, total power control, pressure cut-off control and variable power control; flow control systems include manual flow control, positive flow control, negative flow control, maximum flow two-stage control, load sensing control and electrical Flow control, etc.; the combined control system is the combined control of power control and flow control, and is most widely used in hydraulic control machines.

Read more> 2022-08-05
The development trend of hydraulic system industry and the composition of opportunities, challenges and barriers

Basic concepts of hydraulic system Hydraulic system is a transmission system based on Pascal's principle in fluid mechanics, using liquid as the working medium, and using the internal pressure of the liquid to transmit, convert and control power (or energy). The hydraulic system is the key to controlling mechanical equipment to complete various actions. Its technical level and product performance will directly affect the automation degree and work reliability of mechanical equipment.

Read more> 2022-08-04
Regional heat map of hydraulic industry chain: East China is the main gathering place

Most of the industrial chain enterprises in my country's hydraulic industry are concentrated in East China, with Shandong, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang as the main agglomerations, and Guangdong as a representative province in South China, which also gathers a large number of intra-industry enterprises; followed by Henan, Henan, Provinces such as Hebei and Hubei have also gathered more industrial enterprises. Most of my country's hydraulic industry-related enterprises are concentrated in the eastern part of China. The hydraulic upstream industry is mostly distributed in resource-rich areas such as North China and Northeast China, and the hydraulic component manufacturing enterprises are mostly located in East China, where the manufacturing industry is relatively developed and the demand for hydraulic components is large; the downstream application fields of the hydraulic industry are numerous, and most of them are located in central China. , South China and Southwest China. At present, the number of hydraulic industrial parks above designated size in my country is relatively small, with a total of 13 industrial parks, mainly distributed in Guangdong, Henan, Shandong and other provinces. image.png

Read more> 2022-08-04
The latest investment trends of representative enterprises in the hydraulic industry

The "14th Five-Year Plan" proposes to first improve the level of the industrial chain and supply chain, forge the long plate of the industrial chain and supply chain, and build an emerging industrial chain based on my country's industrial scale advantages, supporting advantages and first-mover advantages in some fields. High-end, intelligent and green industries. Under this trend, the investment in China's hydraulic component manufacturing industry is also mainly concentrated in the construction of intelligent and high-end production lines. Since 2018, leading enterprises in the hydraulic industry have invested in the construction of intelligent production lines to realize machine networking and improve productivity.

Read more> 2022-08-04
Fault phenomenon and cause of hydraulic system

There are usually warning signs before a hydraulic system fails. Such as pressure imbalance, excessive noise, excessive vibration, excessive temperature rise, excessive leakage and so on. If these phenomena can be found in time and properly controlled or eliminated, system failures can be reduced or avoided. 1. The working pressure of the hydraulic system is out of balance Pressure imbalance is often manifested as unstable pressure, inability to adjust pressure up or down, lag in pressure conversion, and high unloading pressure. The main reasons for stress imbalance are as follows: 1. Pressure imbalance caused by hydraulic pump 1) The axial and radial clearances of the hydraulic pump increase due to wear;

Read more> 2022-08-03
The Internet promotes the transformation and upgrading of the hydraulic buffer industry

With the rapid development of the Internet, it is closely related to all aspects of the hydraulic buffer device industry and the whole process of the production cycle. The level and scope of the interaction between the market and users have been greatly expanded, showing a new mode of Internet integration and new The working state is rebuilding the industrial organization and manufacturing mode, and reshaping the relationship between hydraulic buffer enterprises and users.

Read more> 2022-08-03