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Zhongwei Zhuote hydraulic manipulator

​The robotic arm refers to a high-precision, high-speed dispensing robot. The robotic arm is a complex system with multiple inputs and multiple outputs, highly nonlinear, and strong coupling. Because of its unique operational flexibility, it has been widely used in industrial assembly, safety and explosion-proof fields. The robotic arm is a complex system with uncertainties such as parameter perturbation, external disturbance and unmodeled dynamics. Therefore, there is also uncertainty in the modeling model of the manipulator. For different tasks, it is necessary to plan the motion trajectory of the manipulator joint space, so as to cascade to form the end pose.

Read more> 2022-08-08
Advantages and disadvantages of hydraulic transmission

advantage Compared with mechanical transmission and electrical transmission, hydraulic transmission has the following advantages: 1. Various components of hydraulic transmission can be arranged conveniently and flexibly according to needs. 2, light weight, small size, small motion inertia, fast response [2]. 3. It is easy to operate and control, and can realize a wide range of stepless speed regulation (speed regulation range reaches 2000:1). 4. It can automatically realize overload protection. 5. Mineral oil is generally used as the working medium, the relative moving surface can be self-lubricated, and the service life is long. 6. It is easy to realize linear motion. 7. It is easy to realize the automation of the machine. When the electro-hydraulic joint control is adopted, not only a higher degree of automatic control process can be realized, but also remote control can be realized. shortcoming 1. Due to the large resistance loss and leakage of fluid flow, the efficiency is low. If not handled properly, leakage not only pollutes the site, but may also cause fire and explosion accidents. 2. Since the working performance is easily affected by temperature changes, it is not suitable to work under very high or very low temperature conditions. 3. The manufacturing precision of hydraulic components is high, so the price is more expensive. 4. Due to the leakage of liquid medium and the influence of compressibility, strict transmission ratio cannot be obtained. 5. When the hydraulic transmission fails, it is difficult to find the cause; the use and maintenance require a higher technical level.

Read more> 2022-08-06
System form of hydraulic transmission

Hydraulic components have been gradually standardized and serialized, and their specifications, varieties, quality and performance have been greatly improved. Especially after the adoption of new technologies and processes such as electronic technology and servo technology, the quality of hydraulic systems has been significantly improved. It has played a major role in the national economy and military industry. From different angles, the hydraulic system can be divided into different forms. (1) According to the circulation mode of the oil, the hydraulic system can be divided into an open system and a closed system. The open system means that the hydraulic pump sucks oil from the oil tank. After the oil passes through various control valves, it drives the hydraulic actuators, and the oil returns to the oil tank through the reversing valve. The structure of this system is relatively simple, and it can play the role of heat dissipation and precipitation of impurities in the oil tank. However, because the oil often contacts with air, the air is easy to penetrate into the system, resulting in unstable movement of the mechanism and other consequences. The open system has a large oil tank and good self-priming performance of the oil pump. In the closed system, the oil inlet pipe of the hydraulic pump is directly connected with the oil return pipe of the actuator, and the working fluid is closed and circulated in the pipeline of the system. It has a compact structure, less chance of contact with air, and air is not easy to penetrate into the system, so the transmission is relatively stable. The speed change and commutation of the working mechanism are realized by adjusting the variable mechanism of the pump or motor, which avoids the hydraulic shock and energy loss during the commutation process of the open system. However, the closed system is more complicated than the open system. Because there is no oil tank, the heat dissipation and filtering conditions of the oil are poor. To compensate for leaks in the system, a low flow charge pump and tank is usually required. Since the flow rate of the large and small chambers of the single-rod double-acting oil cylinder varies, the power utilization will decrease during the working process, so the actuator in the closed system is generally a hydraulic motor. (2) According to the number of hydraulic pumps in the system, it can be divided into single-pump system, double-pump system and multi-pump system. (3) According to the type of hydraulic pump used, it can be divided into quantitative pump system and variable pump system. The advantage of the variable pump is that it can make full use of the power of the engine within the adjustment range, but its structure and manufacturing process are complex and the cost is high. It can be divided into manual variables, as far as possible control variables, servo variables, pressure compensation variables, constant pressure variables , hydraulic variables, etc. (4) According to the different ways of supplying oil to the actuator, it can be divided into series system and parallel system. In the series system, the oil return of the previous actuator is the oil input of the next actuator, and the pressure will be reduced once every time it passes through an actuator. In the series system, when the main pump supplies oil to each actuator controlled by the multi-way valve, as long as the outlet pressure of the hydraulic pump is sufficient, the movement of each actuator can be combined. However, since the pressure of the actuators is superimposed, the ability to overcome the external load will decrease with the increase of the number of actuators. In a parallel system, when a hydraulic pump supplies oil to a group of actuators, the flow into each actuator is only a part of the output flow of the hydraulic pump. The distribution of flow varies with the external load on each piece. First, it enters the actuator with the smaller external load. Only when the external load on each actuator is equal, the simultaneous action can be realized. The pros and cons of the mechanical performance of the full hydraulic transmission mainly depend on the performance of the hydraulic system, including the quality of the components used and whether the basic circuit is appropriate. The quality of the system performance, in addition to meeting the functional requirements, should be carried out from the aspects of the efficiency of the hydraulic system, power utilization, speed regulation range and fine-tuning characteristics, vibration and noise, and whether the installation and debugging of the system are convenient and reliable. Almost all modern construction machinery adopts hydraulic system, and combined with electronic system and computer control technology, it has become an important part of modern construction machinery.

Read more> 2022-08-06
Hydraulic Machinery Troubleshooting

1. Find hydraulic faults according to the hydraulic system diagram When analyzing and troubleshooting the hydraulic system diagram, the main method is to "grab both ends" - that is, grasp the power source (hydraulic pump) and the actuator (hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic motor), and then "connect the middle", that is, from the power source to the execution Pipes and control elements that pass between elements. When "catching both ends", it is necessary to analyze whether the fault lies in the hydraulic pump, hydraulic cylinder and hydraulic motor itself. In "connecting the middle", in addition to analyzing whether the fault lies in the hydraulic components on the connected line, special attention should also be paid to clarifying which control method the system adopts when transferring from one working state to another, and whether the control signal has any If there is a mistake, check the actual objects one by one, and pay attention to whether there is any wrong connection between the main oil circuits and between the main oil circuit and the control oil circuit, resulting in mutual interference. Wait.

Read more> 2022-08-06
Excavator hydraulic transmission system

Excavator hydraulic transmission is closely linked, and its development is mainly based on the application of hydraulic technology. Its structure is mainly composed of engine, hydraulic system, working device, traveling device and electrical control. Due to the harsh working conditions of the excavator, the required actions are very complicated, so it puts forward high requirements for the design of the hydraulic system. , its hydraulic system is also the most complex in the hydraulic system of construction machinery. Therefore, the analysis and design of the hydraulic system of the excavator has become an important part of promoting the excavator. Single bucket hydraulic excavator is a kind of mechanical equipment for periodic operation, which consists of three parts: working device, rotary device and traveling device. The working device includes movable, stick and various replacement equipment that can be replaced according to the work needs, such as front shovel, backhoe, loading bucket and grab bucket, etc. The typical working cycle is as follows:

Read more> 2022-08-05
Hydraulic excavator power system

From the appearance characteristic curve of the diesel engine, it can be seen that the diesel engine is an approximate constant torque adjustment, and the change of its output power is represented by the change of the speed, but the output torque basically does not change. When the throttle opening increases (or decreases), the output power of the diesel engine increases (or decreases). Since the output torque is basically unchanged, the speed of the diesel engine also increases (or decreases), that is, different throttle openings correspond to different diesel engines. Rotating speed. It can be seen that the purpose of controlling the diesel engine is to realize the adjustment of the speed of the diesel engine by controlling the opening degree of the accelerator. The control devices used in hydraulic excavator diesel engines include electronic power optimization system, automatic idle speed device, electronic governor, electronic throttle control system, etc.

Read more> 2022-08-05