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Hydraulic excavator platform maintenance



The upper slewing platform on the lower walking body of the hydraulic excavator is as important as the head and torso of the human body. Although its structure is difficult to see from the outside, if the engine and various hydraulic devices installed in it are faulty or overloaded, the overall state of the machine will be affected, performance will be degraded, and eventually machine failure will occur. Therefore, the daily maintenance and inspection of the upper slewing platform of the machine should be the first priority. In order to improve the working performance of the upper slewing platform and prevent unnecessary failure losses, what aspects should be paid attention to in the maintenance of the upper slewing platform?

Regularly check and replace the filter element In order to prevent dust and impurities contained in the added oil from entering the main parts of the machine, protective measures are taken on the excavator. Several filters are installed on an excavator, and these filters play their respective important roles. The combustion of fuel in the air filter engine requires fresh air. The air filter removes dust and other foreign matter from the air drawn into the combustion chamber from the outside to prevent wear of engine cylinder liners and piston rings. Oil and fuel filters Oil and fuel are easily mixed with moisture and dust during storage and refueling. Filters filter foreign matter and prevent wear on system components inside the engine. In addition, if these filters are heavily contaminated, they can lead to failures in poor oil or fuel flow and engine damage due to insufficient engine power or poor lubrication. Hydraulic oil filter The function of hydraulic oil is to transform the medium of power, so foreign matter such as dust is strictly prohibited. The hydraulic oil filter can prevent impurities from entering all parts of the hydraulic device. In addition, a suction filter is installed in the hydraulic tank to protect the hydraulic pump in the hydraulic circuit. The oil after work will return to the hydraulic oil tank, and the oil return filter is installed in the oil return part.

Therefore, it can be judged whether the pump or other components of the hydraulic system are in an abnormal state by observing the pollution degree of the oil return filter (if there is no iron filings). When the oil passes through the filter element, the impurities in it can be removed, so the pollution of the filter will become more and more serious with the accumulation of time. If the polluted filter is not replaced in time, the oil flow will be reduced and the original performance of the machine will not be fully exerted. In addition, the continued use of damaged or excessively contaminated filters will not filter impurities, thereby shortening the life of the machine. Therefore, the filter element should be replaced regularly, and if any abnormality is found in the daily maintenance and inspection, it should be replaced immediately. In order to prevent the wear of the machine, enough oil and grease should be added. During the operation of the hydraulic excavator, various parts of the machine will be accompanied by a lot of friction.

Grease and oil, on the other hand, reduce these frictional forces, because the grease forms an oil film that prevents the metal parts of the rotating parts from contacting each other. Filling with oil and grease is an important operation, primarily to reduce friction and wear, and to keep the machine running smoothly. However, if the oil is insufficient or degraded grease is added, the oil film will not be formed and the metal parts will come into contact with each other, causing wear and seizure. If you continue to run the machine in this state, it will cause the burning loss of the matching parts of the moving parts of the machine, and it will fall into a shutdown state in severe cases. Therefore, adequate amounts of oil and grease should be added regularly. Regularly checking and changing the oil in the tank is very important for the normal operation of the machine. In summary, the maintenance points of the upper rotary platform of the excavator are: regular inspection, replacement of filters, and regular filling of sufficient oil and grease.