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Overcome difficulties and forge ahead


The year 2022 is a very important year for the development of the Party and the country, and the year when the 20th National Congress of the Party will be held. What kind of new development prospect will China's "two sessions" unfold to the world?

     On the 5th, the government work report submitted to the Fifth Session of the 13th National People's Congress for deliberation put forward a series of new goals and new arrangements, sending a new signal of China's economic and social development.


Steady - coping with downward pressure, steady growth is placed in a more prominent position

  Gross domestic product increased by about 5.5%; more than 11 million new urban jobs were created, and the urban surveyed unemployment rate was controlled within 5.5% for the whole year; the consumer price rose by about 3%... The main expected goals set forth in the government work report have triggered the sea. Widespread attention both inside and outside.

  "These goals are stable and in line with expectations in all aspects. They also reflect the keynote of keeping the word at the forefront and seeking progress while maintaining stability, paying more attention to the steady improvement of quality and the reasonable growth of quantity." Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Central Party School (National School of Administration) Zhang Zhanbin, dean of the School of Marxism, said.

The government work report pointed out that the setting of the expected economic growth target mainly considers the needs of stabilizing employment, protecting people's livelihood and preventing risks, and is in line with the average economic growth rate in the past two years and the requirements of the "14th Five-Year Plan".

  This is a medium-to-high-speed growth on a high base, and it is my country's initiative to firmly move towards high-quality development.

  Xiang Dong, deputy director of the Research Office of the State Council, analyzed that in 2021, my country's total GDP will exceed 114 trillion yuan. On this basis, if the growth target of 5.5% is achieved this year, it is equivalent to an increase of about 7% five years ago and an increase of 10.5% ten years ago. , the corresponding annual economic growth, according to the economy can be ranked in the top 20 in the world. This is a goal that still requires hard work to achieve.

  This year's economic and social development has heavy tasks and challenges. Under the complex and changeable domestic and international situation, the risks and challenges faced by my country's development have increased significantly, and we must climb the slopes and overcome the hurdles.

  "Faced with new downward pressure, stable growth must be placed in a more prominent position." - stressed in the government work report. Continue to do a good job of "six stability" and "six guarantees", do everything possible to stabilize and expand employment, promote the stable operation of the industrial economy, strengthen the stable production and supply of grain and other important agricultural products, promote the stable development of foreign trade and foreign investment, stabilize land prices, stabilize housing prices, stabilize expectations... …

  The word "stable" has become a high-frequency word in this year's report. The seven major policies deployed by the Central Economic Work Conference last year run through it, forming a package of policy measures to stabilize the economy.

  Wang Yiming, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the China International Economic Exchange Center, believes that this year's economic growth target is set closer to the potential economic growth level. A strong synergy within a reasonable range.

  Live - tax reduction and fee reduction to help enterprises "revitalize"

  "Implementing a new combined tax and fee support policy", "Providing charcoal for enterprises to help them rejuvenate", "Guiding large-scale platform enterprises to reduce fees and reducing the burden on small and medium-sized merchants"...

  These high "gold content" expressions in the government work report convey the care for hundreds of millions of market players.

  More burden reduction -

  According to the government work report, it is expected that the annual tax rebate will be about 2.5 trillion yuan, of which about 1.5 trillion yuan will be retained in tax rebates, and all tax rebate funds will go directly to enterprises.

Liu Xingyun, deputy to the National People's Congress and director of the Shandong Provincial Department of Finance, said that tax cuts and fee reductions are powerful measures to deal with the downward pressure on the economy. This year's government work report has released multiple burden-reducing dividends, which will help stimulate the endogenous power of economic development and realize a virtuous cycle from "releasing water to fish" to "more water and more fish" and "big water and big fish".

  more targeted -

  The government work report proposes that the value-added tax refund will be significantly increased; the annual taxable income of small and micro enterprises from 1 million yuan to 3 million yuan will be halved and the corporate income tax will be levied; The ratio has been increased from 75% to 100%.

Chen Ailian, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of the board of directors of Wanfeng Auto Holding Group, said that last year, the group enjoyed more than 50 million yuan of tax incentives for R&D expenses alone. This year, we will increase the value-added tax credits and refunds, and enterprises will receive tax refunds in advance, and then increase the super deduction ratio, which means "double benefits". "This has added confidence and confidence to manufacturing enterprises to increase investment in scientific research and improve their intelligent manufacturing capabilities."

  Collaboration is more efficient -

  "The outstanding feature of this year's tax cuts and fee reductions is a combination of punches. There are both tax cuts and fee reductions, as well as tax delays and tax rebates. The overall effect is more obvious." Liu Shangxi, president of the Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences, gave such an evaluation. .

  The government work report also deploys specific measures to strengthen the effective financial support for the real economy. "Macro policies must be coordinated in order to produce the effect of '1+1>2'," said Liu Shangxi.

  Advance - Accelerate the switch of kinetic energy and build a solid foundation for high-quality development

  Seeking progress in stability, stability is the main tone, progress is the guarantee of stability, without continuous development and progress, there will be no overall stability.

  The government work report focuses on in-depth implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy and consolidates and strengthens the foundation of the real economy.

  Strengthening innovation at the source, proposing to implement a ten-year plan for basic research, strengthening national strategic scientific and technological strength, and supporting local governments to increase investment in science and technology; benefiting innovation entities, implementing tax incentives for enterprises investing in basic research, improving accelerated depreciation of equipment and equipment, and preferential income tax for high-tech enterprises, etc. policy.

  Grasp the manufacturing industry, implement the project of maintaining and stabilizing the chain of leading enterprises, launch a number of industrial foundation reengineering projects, and focus on cultivating "specialized, refined and new" enterprises; promote the development of the digital economy, promote the large-scale application of 5G, cultivate and expand integrated circuits, artificial intelligence Digital industries such as intelligence unleash the potential of data elements.

  "Under a century of change, technological innovation is the 'key variable' and the 'largest increment' for high-quality development." Xu Lijin, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Eft Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd., said that technological innovation, model innovation and Institutional innovation has continuously enhanced the independent and controllable level of my country's industrial chain and supply chain.

  High-quality development must have scientific and technological content, as well as green content.

  It is clear that "new renewable energy and raw material energy consumption are not included in the total energy consumption control", and it is proposed to "promote the 'double control' of energy consumption to the 'double control' of total carbon emissions and intensity"... The government work report focuses on green low The new deployment of carbon development was praised by the delegates.

  "Green is the foundation of high-quality development. As a resource-based city, we will accelerate the pace of urban green transformation and upgrading to promote high-quality economic development." said Ding Chun, deputy to the National People's Congress and secretary of the Tongling Municipal Party Committee of Anhui Province.

  Achieving high-quality development is inseparable from institutional guarantees.

  Do a good job in the pilot program of comprehensive reform of the market-based allocation of factors; fully implement the stock issuance registration system; implement the national treatment of foreign-funded enterprises... The government work report system has planned a series of measures to deepen reform and opening up and optimize the business environment, and implement precise policies to promote the construction of The new development pattern injects strong impetus.

  Warm - keep the bottom line of people's livelihood and gather strength to overcome difficulties and forge ahead

  "I hope to continue to deepen reforms in fertility, pension, medical care, etc." "I hope to expand income channels"... In the past few days, netizens have sent messages to the two sessions, conveying the hotspots of people's livelihood and reflecting the voices of the people.

  What the people want, what the government wants.

  "Effectively guarantee and improve people's livelihood" and "strive to solve the people's livelihood issues that the people are generally concerned about"... The government work report deploys a series of social policies to secure the bottom line of people's livelihood.

  Continue to improve people's livelihood and respond to people's new expectations——

  640 billion yuan is allocated for investment in the central budget; more government investment is directed towards people’s livelihood projects; more inclusive preschool education resources are increased through multiple channels; the per capita financial subsidy standards for residents’ medical insurance and basic public health services are increased by 30 yuan and 5 yuan respectively; Direct settlement method for cross-provincial medical treatment in different places; appropriately raise the basic pension standards for retirees and urban and rural residents; encourage the development of rural mutual-aid pension services...

  Improve public services and expand new space for development——

  Clarify "increase the construction of supporting facilities such as community pension and childcare", "develop rural e-commerce and express logistics and distribution", etc.; propose "moderately advance infrastructure investment" and "accelerate the renovation of urban gas pipelines and other pipe networks", etc.; Improve the quality of new-type urbanization" and "promote urban renewal in an orderly manner"...

  Xie Deti, a representative of the National People's Congress and a professor at Southwest University, said that a series of new measures will focus on solving the "things around us" and "things on the mind" of the people, highlighting the essence of governance that firmly adheres to the bottom line of people's livelihood, and demonstrates the heart-warming concern for people's livelihood.

  Development is for the people, and development depends on the people. China's development has always been in response to challenges. The Chinese people have the courage, wisdom and strength to overcome any difficulties and obstacles.

  People are diligent and spring comes early, and everything is urging each other day by day.

  In the new year, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, the whole country will work hard and work hard to welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with higher-quality development answers.