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Accelerate the construction of a national unified market, and clarify six key tasks


The "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Accelerating the Construction of a Large National Market" was released on the 10th, from strengthening the unification of basic market systems and rules, promoting high-standard connectivity of market facilities, creating a unified market for factors and resources, and promoting high-level unification of commodity and service markets. Promoting fairness and unification of market supervision and further regulating unfair market competition and market intervention, and clarifying key tasks in six areas, aiming to continue to promote the efficient and smooth expansion of the domestic market, accelerate the creation of a stable, fair, transparent and predictable business environment, and further reduce market transactions. cost, promote scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading, and cultivate new advantages in participating in international competition and cooperation.


Building a unified national market is the basic support and inherent requirement for building a new development pattern. In an interview with the media, the relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission said that in recent years, important progress has been made in the construction of a large national unified market, but it should also be noted that there are still some problems that hinder the construction of a large national unified market in practice. Local protection is relatively prominent, the construction of factor and resource markets is not perfect, the quality system of commodity and service markets is not yet perfect, market supervision rules, standards and procedures are not unified, and the role of super-large-scale markets in technological innovation and industrial upgrading has not been fully played. Implementing the strategic deployment of building a new development pattern inevitably requires accelerating the construction of a unified national market and smoothing the national cycle.

"The CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the implementation opinions, which clarified the overall requirements, main goals and key tasks for accelerating the construction of a unified national market from an overall and strategic perspective, and provided a program of action for the construction of a large national unified market in the future. Under the new situation, we will deepen reform and opening up, make better use of the huge advantages of exerting, consolidating and enhancing my country's market resources, and comprehensively promote the transformation of my country's market from a big to a strong one," said the person in charge.

The opinions emphasize that it is necessary to speed up the establishment of a unified national market system and rules, break local protection and market segmentation, break through the key blocking points that restrict the economic cycle, promote the smooth flow of commodity factors and resources on a larger scale, and accelerate the construction of efficient, standardized, fair competition, and adequate An open national unified market.

Specifically, the opinions adhere to the problem-oriented approach, and both stand and break, and clarify the key tasks of building a unified national market from six aspects.

From the standpoint of independence, the opinion clearly states that the "five unifications" should be well done. The first is to strengthen the unification of basic market systems and rules, promote the improvement of a unified property rights protection system, implement a unified market access system, maintain a unified fair competition system, and improve a unified social credit system. The second is to promote the high-standard connectivity of market facilities, and focus on improving the efficiency of market operation by upgrading the circulation network, smoothing information exchange, and enriching platform functions. The third is to create a unified market for factors and resources, and promote the establishment of a unified land and labor market, capital market, technology and data market, energy market, and ecological environment market. The fourth is to promote the high-level unification of the commodity and service market, focusing on the areas that are of concern to the people and market players, and strive to improve the quality and standard system. Fifth, promote the fairness and unity of market supervision, and focus on improving the efficiency of supervision to enhance the stability and predictability of supervision.

From the perspective of breaking, it is clearly necessary to further regulate improper market competition and market intervention. The opinions focus on five aspects: strengthening anti-monopoly, investigating and punishing acts of unfair competition according to law, breaking local protection and regional barriers, cleaning up and abolishing regulations and practices that hinder equal access and withdrawal according to law, and continuously cleaning up regulations and practices that violate the unified market construction in the field of bidding and procurement. A clear deployment is made to break down various explicit and implicit barriers that restrict the construction of a unified national market.

In order to promote the implementation of the opinions and see the actual results, the above-mentioned person in charge stated that the National Development and Reform Commission and the State Administration for Market Regulation will establish and improve the departmental coordination mechanism to promote the construction of a unified national market with relevant departments, increase overall coordination, and timely supervise Inspection; improve the incentive and restraint mechanism; explore and study the guidelines for the construction of the national unified large market; give incentives to regions that actively promote the implementation of the national unified large market construction and achieve outstanding results; dynamically publish a list of problems that improperly interfere with the national unified large market construction, and strive to solve obstacles The problem of improper market intervention and improper competition in the construction of a unified national market.