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It is a protracted battle to advance the advanced industrial base



Data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shows that in the past decade, the added value of my country's manufacturing industry has increased from 16.98 trillion yuan in 2012 to 31.4 trillion yuan in 2021, continuing to maintain its status as the world's largest manufacturing power. "Advanced industrial foundation" is an important manifestation of the comprehensive strength and industrial competitiveness of my country's manufacturing industry. The Fifth Plenary of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China will "significantly improve the level of advanced industrial foundation" as the main goal of economic and social development during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. and task one.

Recently, at the 2022 National Manufacturing Power Construction Expert Forum, Chen Xuedong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of the National Industrial Foundation Expert Committee, said that in recent years, a series of measures such as "chain advancement" have effectively solved the promotion and application of mid-to-high-end basic products and technologies. Significant progress has been made in the field of industrial infrastructure in my country. However, the shortcomings of some key links cannot be ignored. It is a protracted battle to advance the advanced industrial base. It is necessary to promote the innovation and development of the industrial base from three aspects: innovation policy, innovation platform and talent training.


Significant enhancement of support capabilities in key areas and major projects

 "In recent years, my country's industrial base has made remarkable progress. Especially in the advanced industrial base, new achievements have been made continuously." Chen Xuedong said.

According to him, 106 key products in my country have achieved technological breakthroughs. Among them, the technical level and market sales of advanced numerical control systems have improved; the group efficiency and energy density of domestic batteries for new energy vehicles are generally higher than other international products in the same period, and the localization of drive motors has continued to deepen; the agricultural equipment industry system has been further improved, based on Beidou The annual sales volume of the system's agricultural machinery navigation terminal exceeds 20,000 units...

 "'Chain promotion' effectively solves the promotion and application of mid-to-high-end basic products and technologies." Chen Xuedong said that in recent years, my country's industrial foundation has formed a "chain promotion" of mutual integration, division of labor and cooperation, and benefit sharing. measure.

Advanced manufacturing industry clusters and specialized new enterprises have become a strong support for the advanced industrial base. In 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the list of winners of 25 advanced manufacturing clusters, of which 7 industrial clusters belonged to the basic industrial field; about 90% of the 4,762 national-level specialized and special new "little giant" enterprises cultivated Concentrate on basic parts and components, basic materials, technical processes and equipment manufacturing and other industrial basic fields. In addition, my country also has the independent supporting ability of basic products and technologies of the whole industry chain in several fields such as rail transit and photovoltaics, and many parts and components have the right to speak internationally.

Three aspects to promote the advanced industrial base

"Frankly speaking, my country's scientific and technological innovation has been tracking and imitating for a long time, and self-reliance is not enough." Chen Xuedong pointed out that the key links of my country's industrial foundation are still facing challenges, especially some core components, key basic materials and process software cannot be independently controllable; Product consistency, stability, and service life reliability need to be improved in an all-round way; low quality and benefit index, and lack of well-known brands... cause my country's manufacturing industry to stay at the middle and low end of the global value chain for a long time.

Chen Xuedong pointed out that in the next ten years, the innovation and development of the industrial base should be accelerated from three aspects: innovation policy, innovation platform and talent training.

In terms of innovation policy, it is necessary to create a favorable macro policy environment. The National Committee of Experts on Industrial Basics should give full play to the key role of "standing in the sky", select specific regions, industrial parks, industrial clusters, enterprises, etc., meet needs, combine advantages and characteristics, and promote the innovation and development of industrial basics on an annual and batch basis; The "chain advancement" method systematically solves the problem of the "five foundations" of the industry, so local governments are encouraged to introduce corresponding policies and measures and a central-local coordination mechanism.

"Enterprises are the main body of innovation. If the capabilities of enterprises are not improved, it will be difficult to achieve strong industrial basic capabilities. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the ability of enterprises to innovate independently." Chen Xuedong said that central enterprises should not only be the mainstay of the industrial chain, but more entrepreneurs should be encouraged. Qualified enterprises become "chain masters" and enhance the innovation capabilities of small and medium-sized enterprises; in addition, the role of colleges and universities in the scientific and technological innovation system should be further exerted, and demand-oriented basic research and applied basic research should be carried out.

In terms of innovation platform, it is necessary to focus on the industrial chain and deploy the innovation chain, and promote the conditional transformation of institutions to return to the public welfare to a certain extent, become the "source" of original technology, and provide key common technologies for the industry; around the key areas of industrial foundation, cultivate a group of countries Public service demonstration platforms for small and medium-sized enterprises and national small and micro-enterprise entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration bases to improve the level of public services.

In terms of talent training, scientific and technological engineers and senior corporate talents need to make further efforts. In the past, the country paid great attention to experts and technical talents, but entrepreneurs are also very important. If the leaders of an enterprise do not pay attention to basic research and industrial strong foundation, then engineers and professional and technical personnel will not be able to play a role.

 "Promoting the upgrading of the industrial base is a protracted battle, which requires a long-term and systematic strategic layout. We must work hard for a long time, put the industrial base in a more prominent position, and regard it as the core task of building a strong manufacturing country, and promote the industrial Basic innovation and development will ensure the smooth flow of the industrial chain and supply chain." Chen Xuedong said.