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Management Change - 2020 Annual Summary and Annual Outstanding Employee Commendation Conference


Say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, take off your dreams. At the end of 2020, Zhongwei Zhuote Hydraulic Technology Co., Ltd. held "Management Reform" - 2020 annual summary and annual outstanding employee commendation meeting, and all employees of the company participated in the meeting. With enthusiasm and pride, everyone shared the journey of struggle in 2020 and a new journey in 2021.



The management of the company made a summary of the work of 2020 at the beginning of the conference. Looking back on 2020, it is a year of positive progress. In the face of the complex industry environment, the company is united, not afraid of difficulties, and forging ahead. All work indicators have been fully completed, and key tasks have been fully implemented, which is sufficient for embarking on a new journey in 2021. preparation.



The company will continue to build consensus and strength, live up to the past and fear the future, and write a brilliant new chapter with diligence and sweat, perseverance and innovation. In the next annual work, the company will actively promote the continuous improvement of each production department in the management reform, improve the basic management, improve the management efficiency, and increase the operating efficiency.


At the same time, with the theme of "Setting an Example", this conference commended outstanding employees in 2020. The power of an example is infinite, it is infinite positive energy, an example is a banner, representing the direction, and an example is a resource, which condenses strength. In 2020, a group of advanced and typical models will emerge from the company. They are conscientious and strive for perfection.


At the end of the conference, Mr. Jia, Chairman of Zhongwei Zhuote, delivered a concluding speech for the conference, affirming the company's overall success in 2020, expressing gratitude and encouragement to all employees for their hard work, and affirming many highlights of the company's work in 2020. In 2021, the company needs to strengthen its collaborative combat capability. Together with all employees, cherish the company's good development platform, seize the great opportunities in the new era, and create a splendid future for Zhongwei Zhuote.


Glory and dream, responsibility and mission. In 2021, Zhongwei Zhuote will usher in a sea of stars for enterprise development, ride the wind and break the tide, and set sail at the right time. Zhongwei Zhuote will continue to smash the waves and break the wind on the new journey of the sea of stars with heroic fighting spirit and high spirit!