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New starting point, new journey | Zhongwei Zhuote Hydraulics 2018 Work Launch and Signing Ceremony was successfully held


On February 5, 2018, the 2018 work kick-off meeting and signing ceremony of Zhongwei Zhuote Hydraulics with the theme of "new starting point, new journey" was held in the headquarters of Zhongwei - Xingtai, Hebei. More than 100 leaders from all levels and more than 30 distribution agents from Xingtai Zhongwei Zhuote Hydraulic Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zhongwei Zhuote" or "Zhongwei") participated in the event.



General Manager Jia Jinwei delivering a speech

       At the beginning of the event, General Manager Jia Jinwei made a work summary for 2017 and a work report for 2018 on behalf of Zhongwei Group.

       The past 2017 was a year when Xingtai Zhongwei Zhuote Hydraulic Technology Co., Ltd. maintained a good momentum of development. In order to improve the production capacity and production level, Zhongwei has invested a lot of money to introduce a number of advanced production equipment at home and abroad, and designed and constructed a super-large-scale factory area according to the requirements of modern production, so that Zhongwei has gradually moved from a micro-enterprise to a group. In 2018, Zhongwei will maintain a good momentum, strengthen internal management and product quality management, build a famous brand, dedicate high-quality products, and win customers and the market with excellent product quality.



   General Manager Jia Jinzhou delivering a speech

       On behalf of Guangzhou Sales Company, General Manager Jia Jinzhou and Jia made a work summary in 2017 and a key work report in 2018. First of all, Mr. Jia expressed his gratitude and warm welcome to the agents from all over the country who came to the company's headquarters to attend the annual meeting. At the same time, he also thanked all the employees and agents for their solidarity and cooperation, which made Zhongwei's performance improve by leaps and bounds in 2017. However, in times of peace, we still need to continue our efforts to strengthen and standardize market cooperation, establish and improve the agent management system, and protect the basic interests of agents.



Zhang Di, Deputy General Manager of Guangzhou Sales Headquarters, delivered a speech


Wang Baojun, Director of the Technical Department, delivered a speech


Speech by the Director of Taijiaqu, Human Resources Department

       In this meeting, General Manager Zhang from Guangzhou, Director Wang of the Technical Department and Director of the Human Resources Department, on behalf of the Sales Department, Technical Department and Human Resources Department, detailed the work summary for 2017 and the work plan for 2018. In 2017, with the joint efforts of all members, Zhongwei Group developed rapidly and achieved leap-forward progress. In 2018, each department of the group has formulated detailed development plans. From production, management to sales, every link will be better and better, moving towards the goal of "going to the world" of Zhongwei Hydraulics.


Zhongwei Hydraulics Hangzhou agent Guo Jincheng, Mr. Guo



Xue Cheng, the agent of Zhongwei Hydraulics in Hefei, Mr. Xue


Zhu Xilin, Changsha agent of Zhongwei Hydraulics



Lu Yisheng, Wuhan agent of Zhongwei Hydraulics, Mr. Lu


 Li Qinghua, Beijing agent of Zhongwei Hydraulics, Mr. Li

      In the eyes of ordinary people, the relationship between enterprises and agents is very delicate, which is both cooperation and competition. However, in Zhongwei, enterprises and agents are peers, friends and even relatives. In the speeches of the two managers, they thanked the agents for their trust and support countless times, and tried their best to give them more discounts and greater benefits. In the speeches of the representatives of these agents, every word expressed their gratitude to Zhongwei. Because they can feel Zhongwei's strong support and help, and keep all this in their hearts. We have reason to believe that the great Chinese people who are of one heart and one mind will create greater brilliance together.

     After the representatives of the agents spoke in turn, the morning meeting came to an end. Zhongwei Te arranges agents and employee representatives to visit Zhongwei Zhuote Hydraulic Plant.



Agents visit Zhongwei Zhuote hydraulic workshop




Everyone took a group photo at Zhongwei Zhuote Hydraulic

       Although it is an agent of Zhongwei Zhuote Hydraulics, there are not many opportunities for you to visit Zhongwei Zhuote's workshop. Therefore, in the cold weather, everyone is also full of enthusiastic smiles. When you see a product you are interested in, you should stop and discuss it. Take pictures and video, not to mention.

       In the afternoon meeting, Sun Tongzhi, deputy magistrate of Linxi County, Yang Wenzhuo, deputy magistrate of Linxi County and other leaders attended the signing and awarding ceremony of Zhongwei Zhuote Hydraulic Distributors. The leaders highly praised the achievements of Zhongwei Zhuote Hydraulics, and hoped that Zhongwei would make persistent efforts to make greater contributions to the development of Linxi County and even Hebei.

       Afterwards, two general managers of Zhongwei, Jia Jinwei and Jia Jinzhou, jointly signed contracts with more than 30 agents of Zhongwei Zhuote Hydraulics and awarded them licenses. The exciting signing and awarding ceremony pushed the afternoon activities to a climax.






        In 2017, Zhongwei made too many achievements and breakthroughs, enough to shock the construction machinery industry; in 2018, Zhongwei people will not forget their original intentions and continue to create greater brilliance. "Zhongwei Machinery, go to the world", this is not an empty slogan, but the ideal and goal that all Zhongwei people strive for. The future can be expected, we believe that the future of Zhongwei is infinitely bright!

Finally, a sumptuous dinner and singing and dancing performances were also prepared, so that everyone could spend this beautiful day in peace and joy.


Dinner dance


 wonderful dance performance



 Group photo of Zhongwei Zhuote hydraulic staff