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HC Construction Machinery Network visited Xingtai Zhongwei Zhuote Hydraulic


On February 5, 2018, in order to thank the national distribution agents for their long-term support and trust, Xingtai Zhongwei Zhuote Hydraulics held an annual summary meeting with the theme of "New Starting Point, New Journey" at Xingtai Shengshi Hotel. On this occasion, in order to demonstrate the strength and ambition of Zhongwei to make the hydraulic industry bigger and stronger, and to enhance the influence and communication of the enterprise, Zhongwei Zhuote specially invited the authoritative media of the construction machinery industry - HC Construction Machinery on February 4. The net visited Zhongwei Zhuote factory for a visit report.



       Since knocking on the door of Zhongwei Zhuote, Zhongwei's biggest feeling is two words - shock. Shocked by the magnificent factory area of more than 270 acres, shocked by the beautiful factory buildings everywhere, shocked by the fine and humanized management system, shocked by the modern production workshop, shocked by the unimaginable production capacity...




Accompanied by the relevant person in charge of Zhongwei Zhuote, the HC Construction Machinery Network and his party visited each workshop. Clean and tidy production workshops, uniform production equipment, and orderly arrangement of parts and components can all make people feel the style of Zhongwei as a large enterprise.





  During the visit, you will encounter some core technologies and top-secret equipment. But Zhongwei's leaders have been introducing us in detail, because Zhongwei has strong self-confidence and solid strength.


       During the tour, we encountered a team of energetic staff, who were uniformly dressed, neatly paced, and full of energy. This scene can not help but remind people of the word "excellence". The more excellent they are, the more strict they are on themselves, and the more excellent companies are, the more strict they are on the quality of their teams. And Zhongwei Zhuote's refined management has long been reflected in all the time, every moment and everyone.


       Since its establishment, Zhongwei Hydraulics has established a market-oriented sales network channel. After years of rapid development, it now has tens of thousands of parts and components, with a market share of about 50%. Its rapid development, strong market share, deep production line, and superior product performance all show that Zhongwei has become the mainstay of China's hydraulic parts industry. Facing the future, Zhongwei Hydraulics will continue to work hard to become a world-leading enterprise!

This article is reproduced from (HC Construction Machinery Network)

Responsible editor: Chen Xu