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Analysis of the development trend of the excavator industry


Excavator sales in April exceeded expectations, and the industry's capacity bottleneck reached its limit. It is expected that sales in May will reach 30,000-35,000 units, a year-on-year growth rate of 59%-85%, and continue to hit a new high for the month. The domestic demand for excavators has increased significantly, exceeding market expectations. In the context of the global spread of the epidemic, infrastructure, as a purely domestic demand industry, will be the focus of policy efforts. The following development trends of the excavator industry analyze.

The overall growth rate of excavator sales exceeded the forecast in early March. Mainly from the domestic market. The excavator business report pointed out that in March 2020, the domestic market sales of excavators were 46,610 units, a year-on-year increase of 11.24%, and the growth rate rebounded significantly from February; the export market sold 2,798 units, a year-on-year increase of 17..71%. Affected by the epidemic, the growth rate dropped significantly compared to February.

With the implementation of the One Belt One Road policy and the development of foreign market infrastructure, all domestic host manufacturers are planning overseas markets. Now from the three major performances to understand the analysis of the development trend of the excavator industry.

Performance 1: The excavation machinery industry will become the vanguard of the internationalization strategy of the construction machinery industry. Analysis of the development trend of the excavator industry shows that the international strategic layout of China's high-end equipment manufacturing industry has begun, and the construction machinery industry has taken the lead in the layout. Excavators will become the vanguard of the world's attention in this wave of internationalization, which will change the global competition pattern of China's excavator industry. Of course, it depends on the pace of internationalization strategy of Chinese excavator main engine manufacturers. From the overall perspective, the internationalization road of domestic leading enterprises will continue to open up.

Performance 2: Product optimization and export expansion will become new forces for future industry development. According to the analysis of the development trend of the excavator industry, in the case of low-end product profits falling, the optimization of product structure will increase the proportion of high-end product exports and enhance export competitiveness. For high value-added products such as excavators, although they have relatively high export prices, most of them are currently exported

The export market is occupied by foreign brands, so expanding the export proportion of local high-end products will effectively improve the export profitability of China's construction machinery and enhance export competitiveness. Export expansion will also greatly expand the sales space of China's excavating machinery. .

Performance 3: Localized production to supply the world is an ideal development model for China's excavation machinery industry. According to the analysis of the development trend of the excavator industry, global supply can not only greatly increase the proportion of export revenue, but also promote the development process of globalization. According to the background and experience of the global development of Japanese construction machinery, the appreciation of the yen, trade frictions and rising costs are the direct trigger points, while the vast overseas market demand is the most fundamental driving force. The history is so similar, and these factors are also the direct or indirect driving force for the globalization of China's excavating machinery industry.

With the gradual recovery of the economy, road construction, real estate construction, railway construction and other fields directly stimulate the demand for excavators. Affected by the large-scale infrastructure plan promoted by the state and the investment boom in the real estate industry, the Chinese excavator market will have further growth. The prospect of the excavator industry is promising in the future. With the acceleration of economic construction and the implementation of

With the increase of construction projects, the demand for excavators will also increase year by year.