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What kind of wheeled excavator can be the darling of today's market?


What kind of wheeled excavator can be the darling of today's market? What kind of characteristics can provoke the mainstay of investment income? Today we might as well analyze the colorful domestic market and the three major competitive advantages that wheeled excavators need to have to make money:

Manipulability: efficient workmanship with soft operation and twice the result with half the effort

Under the demand of the mechanized market, high-efficiency work is often indispensable. This is also the magic weapon for wheeled excavators to stand out under fierce competition. However, it is often gentle movements that support high-efficiency work. With "softness" to overcome rigidity and "stableness" to win, wheeled excavators as construction machinery, soft movements and stable workmanship can not only bring users a comfortable and pleasant driving experience, but also make the complex market The working conditions became orderly.

In the domestic wheeled excavator market, there are countless brand models, but few can achieve soft and stable handling, because this not only tests the professionalism of major wheeled excavator manufacturers, but also Higher requirements are put forward for the core technical field. In some mature markets, "Nanxinyuan and Beibaoding", which are talked about by people, are also well-known for their soft handling.

Multi-function: one machine with multiple uses and multiple working conditions, an all-rounder

The reason why wheeled excavators are widely concerned in the domestic market is largely due to their applicability in multiple working conditions. As an excavator, the continuous extension and deepening of the horizontal field of wheeled excavators, the use of various attachments Flexible use makes it have unlimited potential for development. Even in some highly saturated local markets, the wheeled excavator models that are all-pervasive and pervasive still reflect the high returns of flexible response.

But how many models of wheeled excavators on the market can truly achieve the word "multi-function"? Presumably there are only a handful of wheeled excavators that are good at earthwork operations, and they often perform mediocre in loading and unloading conditions, but this does not mean that you can have both fish and bear's paws. As long as you pay a little attention to the surrounding market, The reason why some people can survive in the cracks is that they fully apply the multi-purpose of wheeled excavators to the practical market.

Low fuel consumption: low-carbon environmental protection, high efficiency and intelligent energy consumption output ratio

Presumably seeing low energy consumption, many people do not take it seriously, especially some novice customers who have never been in contact with wheeled excavators. When competition puts daily consumption, especially fuel consumption, on the list that affects net income, the root cause of flat income is the gap in unit fuel consumption. From a professional point of view, we call it the energy consumption-output ratio.

Of course, low fuel consumption is not a simple problem of fuel consumption that is isolated, but is based on high-efficiency operations, that is, the operating efficiency of the same model of other brands per unit time is greater than or equal to the fuel consumption of the same model. Economical, this point is also difficult to achieve for some brands that only rely on pure assembly and processing. The useless work loss of each power output link will be controlled at the critical point of entropy increase in the second law of thermal energy. To put it plainly, it is Try to avoid useless work loss in each working device link as much as possible, and put as much fuel kinetic energy into actual work as possible.

Manipulative, multi-functional, low fuel consumption, if you want to get a higher return on investment, have you chosen the right wheeled excavator?