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Excavator knowledge


1. According to the driving mode, there are two types of excavators: internal combustion engine-driven excavators and electric-driven excavators. Among them, electric excavators are mainly

Used in plateau anoxic and underground mines and other flammable and explosive places. And ordinary ground engineering does not need to use force

Driven, because he received the influence of the power reserve, the work duration is not strong and inconvenient;

2. According to different operation methods, excavators can be divided into crawler excavators and wheel excavators. Wheeled excavators are not very common

See, it is more used in road construction. If it is deep excavation, reclamation and the like, crawler excavators will be used, no

Difficulty walking;

3. According to the bucket, excavators can be divided into front shovel excavators and backhoe excavators. Front shovel excavators are mostly used for excavating ground

The material above the surface, the backhoe excavator is mostly used to excavate the material below the surface. This also depends on whether you want to dig deep or shallow.

Need to choose.